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Sharing knowledge between Toolkit Organisers

A vital aspect of the Toolkit Organisers network is sharing knowledge between HRDs. This week, Junia shared best practices on effective campaigning as an advocacy strategy and supported the team in practically creating a vision and problem identification.

In 2022, Junia attended a Fellowship for human rights defenders at Dundee University. He worked on well-being and expanded his networks and knowledge of best practices in advocacy. Upon his return, he shared his experiences with the Toolkit Organisers in the session.

Investing in improving relations between Police and Civil society

From March until the end of 2024, PBI Kenya together with Kayole Community Justice Centre, Kibera Social Justice Centre and the Mathare Network (Ghetto Foundation, Ruaraka Community Justice Centre, Kiamaiko Community Justice Centre and Mathare Social Justice Centre) will set in motion a project to improve relationships and dialogue between HRDs, citizens and security forces in their respective areas.

Toolkit Organizers network meetings

Missing Voices: Accountability Now

The Missing Voices 2022 Annual Report Accountability now was launched on 24 March 2023, the International Day for the Right to the Truth Concerning Gross Human Rights Violations and for the Dignity of Victims. Missing Voices documented 130 cases of police killings and 22 cases of enforced disappearances in 2022, bringing the total number to 152.

Investing in improving relations between government and civil society in three urban settlements

From March until the end of 2024, PBI Kenya together with Kayole Community Justice Centre, Kibera Social Justice Centre and the Mathare Network (Ghetto Foundation, Ruaraka Community Justice Centre, Kiamaiko Community Justice Centre and Mathare Social Justice Centre) will set in motion a project to improve relationships and dialogue between HRDs, citizens and security forces in their respective areas. This is supported with German Federal Foreign Office’s funds by ifa (Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen), zivik Funding Programme.