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Women Human Rights Defenders Toolkit Organisers

We accompany human rights defenders

PBI is an international non-governmental organization (NGO) that provides accompaniment and observation to threatened civil society organisations that request it. The presence of international volunteers, backed up by an international support network and the dissemination of information, helps to deter violence.

Apply to become a field volunteer

The volunteers of Peace Brigades International (PBI) come from many different countries and backgrounds. What these volunteers share is a strong commitment to nonviolence and a belief in the contribution that ordinary people can make to creating a more peaceful and just world.

Our Partners

In contexts where people and communities are subject to violent conflict, intimidation or repression, human rights defenders can be key agents for resistance and change. PBI exists to support and protect these courageous people.

Where we work

Since 1981, Peace Brigades International has worked in some of the most conflict-affected contexts. On request, our teams provide protection, recognition and support to human rights defenders.

"Everyone has the right, individually and in association with others, to promote and to strive for the protection and realisation of human rights and fundamental freedoms at the national and international levels."
Article 1, UN Declaration on human rights defenders, adopted in 1998.
Increased Capacities, Stronger Networks (Photo by Manu Valcarce)

Donate today

For over 40 years, we have worked at local, regional and international levels to protect human rights defenders and communities whose lives and work are threatened by violence. Help us protect human rights defenders by making a donation, however small, today.