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Training of Trainers on safety and security management for HRDs

PBI Kenya in collaboration with the members of the Social Justice Centers Working Group (SJCWG) conducted a Training of Trainers on safety and security for HRDs. Ten HRDs of Social Justice Centres in Nairobi were trained on risk assessments and security plans for HRDs. This included stakeholders analysis, digital security, organisational security and many other important topics. There was specific attention to training techniques in order for the participants to effectively train other HRDs.

As part of the programme, all participants delivered a one-day workshop to other activists of the Centres. We are delighted to have contributed to a growing pool of expertise on this important issue within the SJCWG.

This activity was supported with German Federal Foreign Office’s funds by ifa (Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen), zivik Funding Programme.