PBI Kenya is a Project of Peace Brigades International, a non-partisan non-governmental international organisation.
The mission of PBI is to increase the civic space for the work of human rights defenders (HRD) who face numerous challenges and risks as a result of their efforts in defence of human rights.
PBI’s approach is threefold:
Protective accompaniment provides HRDs with protection, support and recognition. This involves members of our team accompanying the HRDs with the aim to deter violence and enhance their access to justice through a visible international presence. Find out more on protective accompaniment here.
Advocacy involves raising the profiles of HRDs at risk, advocating for human rights protection mechanisms, and bridging the gap between grassroots HRDs and the international community, national organisations and state authorities. We work with PBI country group offices around the world to do this work.
Capacity building consists of workshops, personalised risk assessments, and security plans for HRDs, as well as facilitating capacity building on human rights topics to relevant stakeholders.
Our work follows a philosophy of nonviolence within the framework of international human rights standards. We maintain a strict policy of non-interference in the work of our partners in the belief that lasting transformation cannot be imposed from outside but must be based on the capacity of local people to construct genuine peace.
We act only at the request of local organisations and individuals with whom we work to develop partnerships based on their needs as HRDs.
In order to learn more about PBI’s integral approach of protective accompaniment and our principles of non-violence, non-interference and non-partisanship, please visit our international website.
To support PBI’s efforts to protect HRDs, so that they can continue to carry out their important work, please click here.