In mid-May, PBI Kenya, in association with the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) and the Kenya National Commission on Human Rights (KNCHR), held a Training Course on Human Rights Documenting, Reporting and Advocacy Skills for the Women Human Rights Defenders (WHRD) Toolkit Organisers and other women human rights defenders that PBI works with.
The training was an opportunity for the WHRDs, many of whom work on documentation as part of their day-to-day human rights work, to develop their documentation skills.
The day was divided into two parts, the morning session was given by Marcella Favretto, Senior Human Rights Adviser at the OHCHR, and dealt with the issues of documenting and reporting of human rights violations including information gathering, evaluation of information and interviewing. The morning session ended with a role play interview giving the participants an opportunity to demonstrate their new knowledge.
The afternoon session was given by Anne Okutoyi, Principal Human Rights Officer at the KNCHR. Anne Okutoyi outlined the KNCHR elections strategy and their monitoring tools, as well as discussing information sharing cooperation opportunities.