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Peace Brigades International Annual Review 2022

PBI published its 2022 International Annual Review, reflecting upon the challenges facing environmental and human rights defenders around the world, and the impact of their work and PBI’s activities in Latin America, Kenya, Nepal and Indonesia.

The increased militarisation of public security and widespread smearing of defenders were two of the dynamics that affected the ability of activists to work effectively across the regions and communities where PBI operates.

In response, PBI increased its frontline presence in some of the most violent territories, to ensure consistent international observation and implement sophisticated strategies to dissuade State and non-State armed actors from attacking community leaders defending their land against destructive natural resource exploitation, and protect civil society organisations denouncing corruption and abuses. We also supported hundreds of activists in their advocacy with international stakeholders, helping to build networks and initiatives to counter the smears and reprisals defenders face.

The annual report compiles the stories and testimonies of human rights defenders who receive holistic protective accompaniment from PBI so that they can carry out their activism safely and with impact. This includes Indigenous leader Bernardo Caal Xol, who was released from prison following advocacy, accompaniment and observation from PBI. It also covers the work done with women’s rights defenders in Kenya who report that capacity-strengthening work by PBI has enhanced not only their physical security, but also their wellbeing, resilience, and mental health.

In 2022 PBI provided holistic protective accompaniment to 1,874 individuals, 53 organisations and 822 communities globally. Out activities included a mixture of physical protective presence, capacity building, advocacy, communications and narrative work, as well as psychosocial support. Over two thousand people benefitted from PBI workshops to strengthen capacity in holistic security, peace-building, conflict resolution, psychosocial support, gender rights, solidarity-based action, and intersectionality. The human rights work of the defenders who PBI supported and protected in 2022 reached over 200,000 people across the world. (Text from PBI UK)
