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Organization Development and Structure Strengthening training with WHRD Toolkit Organizers

Organization Development and Structure Strengthening training with WHRD Toolkit Organizers

The WHRD Toolkit Organizers network has been active since 2016. Last year, several members started a community-based organisation, ‘Toolkit Organizers CBO’. With support from PBI Kenya they held a workshop on Organization Development and Structure Strengthening (ODSS). The Toolkit Organizers brought out the need to strengthen the CBO’s structure and systems. The workshop contributed to the capacity to handle internal and external relationships for greater impact. They touched on leadership, governance and financial resource management.


After the training, the WHRD Toolkit Organizers met in Mukuru to define their organizational identity. This included agreeing on a common purpose, values, and culture. They defined who they are, why they exist and where they want to go.