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Meeting with OHCHR and MSJC in Mathare

In August, PBI Kenya facilitated a meeting between the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) and Mathare Social Justice Centre (MSJC).

Senior Human Rights Adviser at OHCHR in Kenya Marcella Favretto had kindly agreed to visit the MSJC office in the Huruma area of Mathare. She gave MSJC members an introduction to her office’s work. There was a fruitful exchange of ideas, focusing in part on the issue of extrajudicial killings in the urban settlements. MSJC followed up on the meeting by providing a short report on EJKs to Marcella Favretto, who used the information from the grassroots in a briefing for the new Special Rapporteur on Extrajudicial, Summary or Arbitrary Executions, Agnes Callamard.