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Case of alleged extrajudicial killing of Stephen Gichuru to be taken to court

Mathare-based human rights defender Ruth Mumbi and her family recently reached an important milestone in the search for justice for the alledged extrajudicial killing (EJK) of Mumbi’s brother-in-law Stephen Gichuru in May 2015.<--break->

Since the killing of Stephen his family has been very vocal about the case and the wider pattern of impunity that persist in Nairobi’s urban settlements. Thanks to the family’s constant advocacy and support they have received from PBI and the wider human rights community, it was brought to the attention of the Independent Policing Oversight Authority (IPOA). Consequently, IPOA, on August 15th 2016 (see press statement, point 3: “Police Officers to be charged for Kiamaiko murder”), recommended the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions (ODPP) to take the case to court. The ODPP followed IPOA’s recommendation and instituted criminal proceedings against two suspected officers from Mathare’s Huruma Police Station. The two officers will face murder charges. PBI Kenya has extensively accompanied Ruth Mumbi after the killing of her brother-in-law and will continue to support her leading up to the court proceedings and beyond. Voice of America covered Ruth Mumbi and her fight for justice for Stephen in a short documentary, which can be accessed here.